Category Archives: XCP

Convert DV4 to AVI

Using ffmpeg.exe

create a batch file

cd C:\TEMP
C:\tmp\bin\ffmpeg.exe  -i c:\temp\CH04_2014JUN29160000_0.dv4 -vcodec mpeg2video -acodec copy -f vob -copyts -y -s 800x600 "c:\temp\ch4.avi"

Time a function or Procedure in Milliseconds

Sometimes there is a need to evaluate how fast ( or slow ) as certain function, procedure takes to complete. This will help in identify where bottle necks are occurring in your procedures.

Dim starttime As DateTime = Now
Dim mset As New clsLoadSettings(clsLoadSettings.SettingsFiletype.XML)
Debug.Print("Settings Load Time: " & Now.Subtract(starttime).TotalMilliseconds.ToString)